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The Art of Activism

By: Sherilyn D. Vivar  The Epiphany Features/ 03:19 PM August 30, 2019

Behind every wrongdoings in the society, there are always people who will fight for equal treatment and rights. They have no supernatural powers nor out of the world abilities but they are fighters 

and heroes - modern heroes of this generation.

Activism, is defined as the "policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change." There is no perfect society nor perfect leaders but the fact that people know when to listen and to speak up, it simply means that the society is interactive; there's a hope for progress.


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People babbled that activists did nothing for the improvement in the society. What they just do is to vandalize, burn things and cause commotion and violence to the public.


Some people are busy on smart-shaming the activists little did they know that the rights that the activism played a big role on the rights and freedom that they are exercising as of now and the evident examples are free education, gender equality etc.


People join in progressive organizations for some reasons but they all do have a specific goal - to achieve a societal change.


To break the stereotypes, activism is not a rebellion. Activism is an art of expression; an art of protest and an art of voicing out and informing the public on what is going on in the society.


Everyone can be an activist without being rebellious. Activists may be students who are fighting for their students' rights, women who are experiencing gender inequality, farmers who fight for their land ownership, tribes who are being repressed by the government etc.


Student movement in the Philippines is very evident. You can see the students holding large placards and flags screaming for equal rights, press freedom, defend farmers in the country and no to extrajudicial killings.

Student leader and activist Lean Alejandro stated,“Students must realize that they are both students and Filipinos. We must be concerned with both local and national issues. Students are not messiahs. We can only inform if we are informed.We need to change our society in a very fundamental way toward social and national emancipation. And the students are in a position to serve as catalysts in social transformation. That is the historical role  of the students.”

At the end of the day, activism will always be a part of survival in the society. No matter how bad the society treats them, activists will continue to fight for equal rights for everyone.


Everyone wants change. Everyone wants a progressive society. Everyone wants to be treated equally. Everyone wants to exercise their rights but the biggest question,


is everyone brave enough to fight for it?




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